Exclusion: The Dark Side of the Moon

Exclusion – The Dark Side of the Moon

What does it mean to be excluded? I think exclusion is a powerful form of discrimination practiced by folks who dislike a person for who s/he is and will not admit it. These people are incapable of truth telling and hide behind ambiguities and double talk. Talk without Action.

Mirror imaging…

I have recently had an experience with a group that demonstrates this behavior. It is not necessary to go into details here. Suffice it to say that I bought into lies, believing talk of support, while simultaneously being told that to give a volunteer educational program I had to be vetted by the powers that be who would shadow me in the field to determine if I was competent. A pretend walk was always positioned at some vague point in the future…

Last January after receiving an arrogant/ inflammatory response to my proposal (actually, I made a few) my closest friend kindly suggested that it was time to put some distance between this group and myself because “these people do not have your best interests at heart.” 

Although I listened, I decided that because I am so bound to nature as a naturalist with a PhD in ethology (the study of wild animal behavior in the field) and so enthusiastic about my research believing that a hands on approach which would involve talking and a walk through the woods to demonstrate what was normally invisible would help others understand the complexity and critical importance of mycelial networks to all because these intricate threads support all life on land.  

I was wrong.

Eventually the organization’s double – talk won out and I withdrew after letting the ‘supporting’ individuals know that I had finally gotten it.

I wasn’t wanted. Period. Not part of their ‘club’.

At that point my friend stepped in and the next thing I knew I was giving talks to other conservation groups who were delighted to have me! No vetting, no doubletalk just presentations followed by walks in the woods. My audiences helped me by highlighting the areas I needed to focus on with their enthusiasm and questions.

Just this morning I received yet another invitation for a walk:

“Could we set the date for the program in late August so we can finish our program calendar?  And then we can find a time to walk whenever it is convenient for you. The best time for the program would be sometime between August 18th and 29th.  Please let me know if there’s a date that would work for you.”

What I have discovered is that genuine conservationists are fascinated by what I have had to offer and are spreading the word. 

As a former college instructor who hasn’t taught for ten years, I am excited. I have forgotten how much I love to teach and learn from others, and I am passionate about what is happening under my feet!

Although the discrimination by individuals in one group was painful to experience it also set me free to explore other options, and who knows where this might go.

Best of all as an Earth Advocate who lives her life in the big picture, I am presently advocating for nature in very practical ways that are fun!

 Our planet is suffering from a blind refusal to see that all nature is sentient, and the study of mycelial networks helps to attach people to non-human intelligence on a level that simply cannot be ignored.

For me aligning myself with ‘all there is’ and educating others is who I am and what I do.

I had a difficult experience with the dark side of the moon, but s/he also emanates a luminous glow… Once a month her cyclic presence lights up even the darkest of nights.

I had no sooner posted this essay when I received yet another invitation to give a talk!

3 thoughts on “Exclusion: The Dark Side of the Moon

  1. Are you by any chance related to David Pottetti, Harvard ’71, who passed away in February of 1972? I was a roommate of his in Straus Hall and then for three years in Quincy House. I’m thinking you might be his sister, but the only sister I knew was Bibi. If you are, it would be nice to connect with you. I’m at jgillis767@aol.com

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    1. It was wonderful to talk with you today – it helps a lot to know that others remember – I have always wished that his friends would have stayed in touch but I also understand why no one did… you know that card he sent you – don’t worry be happy was unsettling – one of the bizarre rules was ‘be happy’ – no one wanted anyone to feel pain – and it was not tolerated – unless it was their craziness – I actually passed that same sentiment onto my children – ugh robots live on – a life crafted out of depth – is one with meaning


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