Turning Towards the Light

I won’t walk in this fog bound soup – the air is so toxic it’s literally not breathable – let’s hope this is not a prelude to the rest of the summer like it was last year.

The solstice marks a turning of the wheel in ancient cultures – a process (more than an event) that is still celebrated by countryfolk and by those who are attached to the land. As we move deeper into the first days of summer many (most) wildflowers are seeding up even as the sun’s heat intensifies around the longest, days of the year…

As I walk through the woods and around my home, I note the first yellowing leaves dropping from fruit trees, others are shriveling, insect ridden. My beans are spiraling skyward … Overall, a vibrant deep green canopy appears to replace luminous lime, and for a moment numinous fireflies light up the night…gardens are overflowing. Tadpoles are birthing back legs, and within the month a radical transformation will have occurred as miniature froglets begin their lives in seeps brooks ponds or greenery… There is a poignancy to this turning for me. The birds are fledging, birdsong is somewhat muted. Summer heat and fierce thunderstorms mark the season ahead…cold clear waters and forests are calling…

If matter is frozen light as physicist David Bohm suggested then perhaps too much of it becomes trapped in my Body-Mind this time of Year. I have trouble sleeping, am often irritable and headaches are often a daily reality.

Light and Dark – too much of either invites imbalance.

Around me manic ‘celebratory’ human behavior seems normalized – explosions – gunning – fireworks, motorcycles, speedboats – endless mowing and machine noise drowns out the songs of the birds, rushing waters, trees, leaves and roots deep in conversation…

I have developed strategies for dealing with this time of year just as I have for endless nights but at either apex I am wary.

Heyokas if approached with care guide us through reversals, and eventually restore balance.

Deep forests and clear river waters bring peace.

I reflect upon what it might mean to have too much light trapped in my body. What I experience is a sense of being stuck as this energy that feels like fire circles round and round.

Maybe this is one reason ancient cultures celebrate the summer solstice turning with bonfires. It’s an interesting thought. Burning, a form of letting go…

I long for the golden light to return as the sun star once again sinks a little lower on the horizon.

What I ask for at this turning is to begin flowing like the river’s waters, even as I give thanks to the Earth Goddess who is Nature for her/his abundance, Ancient Mother/Father of All.

Who are Heyokas?

 ***Heyokas are Indigenous Holy People who have been struck by lightning or thunder who then embody the Winged Powers of Nature as Air. Their gift (curse?) is one of prophecy. As receivers these holy people behave in contrary and often humorous ways but can also be dangerous. These people/ Forces of Nature take on both light and dark aspects of the community returning extremes to Nature – eventually restoring balance… In this context I would call them mediators but they also embody reversals…(According to the  Pueblo they live in the mountains most of the time) This kind of power protects and destroys, so these holy people must be treated with the greatest respect.

Nature’s Memory is sharp and clear

3 thoughts on “Turning Towards the Light

    1. Oh Tom the air has been so toxic here – so sorry to hear that you are having it too…It must have been wonderful to know Bohm personally – one reason why I attend the free sessions at the Pari Center on zoom – they had one yesterday that got me through the day – It’s like January when I am stuck in the house because I cannot tolerate the heave wave or the killer air – oh Tom, it’s everywhere – think of all the places across the globe – we are so crazy to have let this go until it was too late. I’m glad you like the pictures – I’m ready for your next installment! You are the best photographer I know…gosh I saw a black damselfly with huge eyes and photographed her – imagining what the photo would have looked like if YOU had taken it!

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